Who Can Join?
Anyone 16 years or older with an interest in stained glass. Whether a novice or an expert, all are welcome.
Benefits of Joining
There are several benefits to becoming a member of our organization. Our members enjoy each other's company and we have a
great time when we get together. Of course, we also have a common interest.
Membership entitles you to special discounts from area dealers. Currently, members receive a 25% discount at Rayer's Bearden
Stained Glass. And at Mathews Gallery, we are given a 10% discount on glass.
How Can You Join?
For information on joining or renewing your membership with the Stained
Glass Guild of Kansas, contact a Guild officer or attend a meeting.
Membership is January through December, with annual dues of $24.00. New members are able to join with prorated annual
dues, only paying for the months remaining in the year.
Dues can be mailed (checks or money orders, NO cash) to the Guild's President:
Kathy Dawson