Site last updated
2/20/2012 calendars
updated as events
become known

Stained Glass Guild of Kansas


Home | Membership | Contact Us | Calendar | Links

Stained Glass Guild of Kansas members should find the following links of interest.

Wichita Retailers
Rayer's Bearden Stained Glass
6205 W. Kellogg,
Wichita, KS 67209
316-942-2929 or 800-228-4101
Guild members are given a 25% discount on regularly priced glass and supplies.
Mon-Sat 9:30am - 5:30pm
Wed to 8pm
Mathews Gallery
4902 E Central
Wichita, KS 67208
Guild members are given a 10% discount on regularly priced glass.
M-F 10:00am - 6pm
Wichita Stained Glass
1101 S Santa Fe
Wichita, KS 67211
Over the years, Dale Lott has very graciously given the Guild demonstrations at his shop. He is now concentrating his business more on restoration work and has gained a well-deserved reputation for his skill in this area. He is a master at painting on glass, in the tradition of century-old workmanship.
No set hours

Glass Patterns Quarterly
The Score
Stained Glass News

Online Retailers
Delphi Stained Glass Supplies
Several stained glass items are exclusive to Delphi. Annual Art Glass Festival held online the entire month of April.
Glass Crafters
A new sales flyer comes out every other month.
Warner Stained Glass
Hosts Glass Visions Stained Glass Expo annually in August.

Manufacturers - Glass
Spectrum Glass
Kokomo Opalescent Glass
Uroboros Glass
Wissmach Glass

At this time, the Stained Glass Guild of Kansas refuses all solicitation for linking.

Stained Glass Guild of Kansas * Meeting in Wichita, Kansas * USA